Camping-car Profilé
4 voyageurs
NouveauBest Owner
À partir de
60 €
4 places sécuriséesPlaces avec ceintures de sécurité
3 places de couchageEspace nuit confortable pour 3 personnes
Permis BVotre permis voiture suffit pour conduire ce véhicule de moins de 3500 kg
Document vérifiéLa Carte grise est certifiée en règle par nos soins
Voyages à l'étranger non autorisésLe propriétaire n'autorise pas son véhicule à sortir du pays
Animaux non autorisésVos animaux de compagnie ne pourront pas faire partie de ce voyage
Demande de location gratuite et sans engagement !
Assurance incluse ou Protection renforcée, à vous de choisir !
Notre équipe vous propose des alternatives en cas de pépin de dernière minute
Notre équipe toujours à votre écoute
Plus de confort avec nos facilités de paiement
This motorhome is perfect for your first caravaning experience. It is compact and almost as easy to drive as your regular car. This little house-on-wheels has a really good fuel efficiency (Diesel; 8.5L/km, 24 MPG), it is full of safety features that support you not only when you’re driving but also allows you to sleep and live in tranquility and peacefulness!
We take your health and safety as well as your families very seriously. Therefore, we implemented the necessary preventive measures, such as:
- Two-day minimum interval between rentals;
- Proper chemical disinfection against virus and bacteria;
- mechainical inspection.
For your convenience and to grant you social distancing, you will have at your disposal videos and a document that explains the main features of the camper van.
We want to provide you with memorable vacations. Thus, we offer included in your rental the following items(amenities):
- Tableware and silverware for 4 people;
- Kitchenware;
- Cleaning supplies;
- Chemical for cassette toilet;
- First aid kit;
- Fire extinguisher;
- Back-up camera;
- Security alarm on all doors as well as motion sensor;
- Cruise-control;
- Reinforced lock FIAMMA;
- Awning and outdoor camping floor cloth;
- camping table and chairs;
- Fly and mosquito screens (door and motorhome windows);
- Sunshade;
- stabilizing wedges;
- Board games;
- TV;
- RV extension cord;
- LPG setup for motorhome heating system and water heater (as opposed to refillable bottles);
- Full-sized spare tire;
Through our services, you may choose (under request):
- Mountain bikes;
- Bikes for children;
- Pillows, bed linen, towels and face cloths;
- Beach towels;
- Baby and toddler car seat;
-Surf board and wetsuit;
For your convenience we are available for check-in/out at the Lisbon airport (under request).
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have prior and during your trip. We are available 24/7 to help you with any questions, and we will be happy to provide some suggestions of some fun activities and amazing places to visit in Portugal.
Lit dinette
60x160 cmLit à la française
135x200 cmLes modalités de remboursement varient en fonction de la date d'annulation de la réservation.
L'adresse exacte vous sera communiquée lorsque la réservation sera confirmée.
À partir de 54 €/jour