Fourgon aménagé
2 voyageurs
À partir de
75 €
4 places sécuriséesPlaces avec ceintures de sécurité
4 places de couchageEspace nuit confortable pour 4 personnes
Permis BVotre permis voiture suffit pour conduire ce véhicule de moins de 3500 kg
Document vérifiéLa Carte grise est certifiée en règle par nos soins
Voyages à l'étranger non autorisésLe propriétaire n'autorise pas son véhicule à sortir du pays
Animaux non autorisésVos animaux de compagnie ne pourront pas faire partie de ce voyage
Demande de location gratuite et sans engagement !
Assurance incluse ou Protection renforcée, à vous de choisir !
Notre équipe vous propose des alternatives en cas de pépin de dernière minute
Notre équipe toujours à votre écoute
Plus de confort avec nos facilités de paiement
This camper has all the comfort and luxury of a camping-car but the size of a van. I bought this brand new van in June 2023 and it's perfect, up in the mountains just like near the ocean.
It's easy to drive (full automatic 9 gear box, cruise control) and with a length of 5m99 by 2.05m it can still fit in most normal parking spots (also has a reverse camera). It fits up to 4 people comfortably, with a double bed at the back and pop‐up roof bed (waterproof). Both beds are spacious and comfortable. The back bed can fold up to leave spaces tons of space for bikes (etc) during the day. Everything is installed by professionals (bathrooms, sink, shower, aircon/heating, cooking etc.) and is brand new. The solar panel on the roof gives it good autonomy electricity wise and the fridge and small freezer can work on gaz, battery while driving or electricity while the van is plugged at a camping .
Wether you're a seasoned campervan user or if it's your first time with a caravan, I'm happy to share it with you so you can enjoy a comfortable and stress-free adventure :)
Lit toit relevable
133x184 cmLit transversal
144x186 cmLes modalités de remboursement varient en fonction de la date d'annulation de la réservation.
L'adresse exacte vous sera communiquée lorsque la réservation sera confirmée.
Hi, I'm Quentin. I'm half Swiss and half Australian. I love nature, outdoor sports, and photography. When I was living in Australia, I spent a few years in a van, and when I returned to Switzerland, I thought that the mountains, lakes, and landscapes were perfect to explore in a van. So, I decided to buy this amazing van that now offers me an adventure in nature every weekend and every vacation. It's really a dream come true :)
À partir de 190 €/jour